Sex and Money

Why is it that you likely know more about what happens in your friend’s bedroom that about their finances?

The fact is, money and talking about it is the last taboo in our society. There’s so much shame and embarrassment. Not just the situation at hand, but a lack of financial literacy too.

Think back to the 1960’s. We used to whisper the word cancer. And today? We run for the cure. We create Facebook support groups for our struggling friends and speak about it openly.

We’re also not talking about money with our spouses either. A recent survey revealed that 43% of spouses didn’t know what the other earned?

Nor are we talking about our salaries which can be shrouded in mystery. You could be leaving a lot of money on the table during our working lifetime by not negotiating with your employer. I weighed in on this topic recently on the Marilyn Denis show. Click here to watch the video and learn more about when you should and shouldn’t share your salary info.

If you’d like to watch my video on this topic, click here.

Wouldn’t it be great if we all started talking more about money? And you had a guide to help you do so? Well, I’ve written a book on just that. It’s called Talk Money to Me: Save Well, Spend Some, and Feel Good About Your Money in stores December 17th and available at Amazon and Chapters for pre-order now.

As the Consumer Advocate for FP Canada, I know that financial literacy is paramount to your well-being. Equally important to your long-term success is working with a qualified professional. To find a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional in your area that will help guide you on all matters of money, check out this Find Your Planner tool.

FP Canada is a national professional body working in the public interest (formerly known as the Financial Planning Standards Council). FP Canada is dedicated to fostering better financial health for Canadians by certifying professional financial planners and leading the advancement of professional financial planning in Canada.

For more on financial planning and how to get started, watch What is a financial planner? and What is a financial plan?